
You are definitely one of the best!

The certification levels


Gold certificate for a highly sustainable and circular company. It will continue to improve its sustainability status over the next two years.

The scope: Once a re-audit has been carried out, the seal can be used in advertising and communication for two years and can be affixed to products or packaging.


Silver certificate for a sustainable company on the road to circularity. It has achieved a large part of its current status in the past two years.

The scope: The seal can be used for two years in advertising and communication and can be affixed to products or packaging.


Bronze certificate for a sustainable company that meets the EU requirements.

The scope: The seal can be used in advertising and communication for two years.

What GEO CIRCLEFY offers you

GEO CIRCLEFY differentiates itself from other certifications

At its core, it reflects an organization's ability to transform and innovate. Once silver status has been achieved, the seal can be used on packaging and in BtC communication. The seal is a credible tool for building a sustainable reputation - especially for an attractive employer brand!

GEO CIRCLEFY is dynamic and scientifically supported

The seal is being further developed under scientific supervision and is therefore geared towards the dynamics of the market. The ecosystem creates a knowledge and event platform from which every seal customer benefits directly.

GEO CIRCLEFY is a tool for your sustainability performance

The certification provides a gap analysis of the CSRD/ESRS requirements. The sustainability topics are very well structured and reveal optimization options. The seal is a monitoring tool for the guidelines and the transformation status and opens the view for optimization options. In addition, with a brand awareness of 89%, GEO is at the level of a branded article. This reach effect is part of the concept and differentiates GEO CIRCLEFY from other label approaches. GEO CIRCLEFY guarantees you a visible differentiation from the competition and is a valuable asset for your employer branding.

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